I’m Still Here

This year my goals need only be small and achievable.  

If a thing isn’t for me, let it go.

If I have to start over, I start over.  It’s still a step forward.

I will say yes

and show up more than I hide from people who love me.

I will take more pictures of myself doing things…

Especially things featuring My People

I will remember to feed,


and move my body,

because I deserve that.

I’ll set myself free by deciding I’m good enough for myself.  

What a Difference a Mindful Week Makes!

January 9, 2022

Weight: 342.6

Blood Pressure: 116/72 – pre-medication

Fasting Blood Sugar: 126

Goals for this week: Wake up before 9am (this is a real issue for me because I don’t sleep well.) Stay consistent with getting my steps in. Keep working on decluttering the condo. Put Isabelle and Burnley’s cat tree together. Make a good faith attempt to eat all three meals in a day.

There were a few things that happened this past week that I’m really very proud of – exercises in mindfulness that have made a big difference in the way that I feel. I haven’t missed a dose of medicine! This is huge for me. I don’t always like the way some of my medicines make me feel, specifically the ones that exacerbate my GI issues. But I haven’t missed a pill, a vitamin, or a shot and it makes a big old difference. I haven’t eaten anything after midnight! Let’s just call it like it is. I’m a mogwai and when I eat after midnight (which, frankly, has happened a lot in the past) I see it in my blood sugar and on my body the next day (eye bags – excess sugar gives me freaking eye bags!) Ideally, I’d like not eat after 8pm, but the theater lifestyle doesn’t always allow that to work, so one step at a time! Meticulously counting steps and activity! I have been utilizing my Fitbit religiously. While a combination of snow and sciatic neuropathy has kept me from distance walking the way I’d like, I’ve used my pedal machine and upped the ante with my general activity, which has been so vital to how good I’ve been feeling, even on my bad days! I’m also so, so grateful to my folks in The Conqueror Crew on Facebook! We’re putting in the mileage together towards marathon goals! It’s a loving, encouraging group and makes me eager to post milestones, knowing we’re inspiring each other along the way.

So. With all of this in mind, we head into another week of mindfulness – not just about food and activity – but about wellness, happiness, and a positive attitude! These are all VITAL to my journey and I’m really glad to have found my stride.