I’m Still Here

This year my goals need only be small and achievable.  

If a thing isn’t for me, let it go.

If I have to start over, I start over.  It’s still a step forward.

I will say yes

and show up more than I hide from people who love me.

I will take more pictures of myself doing things…

Especially things featuring My People

I will remember to feed,


and move my body,

because I deserve that.

I’ll set myself free by deciding I’m good enough for myself.  

Reporting for Duty

January 2, 2022

Weight: 351.8lbs

Blood Pressure: 141/80 pre-medication.

Fasting Blood Sugar: 220 (eep. Don’t @ me. I forgot to take my insulin shot last night and have set an alarm.)

Today’s Goals: Walk at least 15 minutes towards my marathon. Organize my bedroom. Stick to the scheduled food plan. CLEAN MY MIRROR. BECAUSE LOOK AT THAT MESS.

If there’s no pics, then it didn’t happen, right? So here are a few. Zero make up.

Isabelle INSISTED on being in the picture.
There’s a muscle in there somewhere.

Oh. My. God. Becky. Look at her butt.
This one is titled Rosacea and Tiddies.